Your Path to IELTS Excellence: Unrivaled Resources, Expert Guidance, and Proven Success!
What is the IELTS? Please click here for an overview of all parts of the test.
IELTS Hero is dedicated to helping you excel in your International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Whether you want academic or general training, we are here to provide you with comprehensive resources and guidance.
Here, you will find a wealth of valuable materials to enhance your preparation:
Exam Tips and Strategies: Unlock expert tips and proven strategies to maximize your score in all four IELTS modules - Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening.
Practice Questions: Access a wide range of IELTS practice questions designed to simulate the real exam experience. Test your skills and track your progress to identify areas for improvement.
Sample Answers and Model Essays: Learn from high-scoring sample answers and model essays that showcase the best approaches to tackle various question types. Vocabulary and Grammar Resources: Strengthen your language skills with curated vocabulary lists and grammar explanations to elevate your communication abilities.
Speaking Topics and Part 2 Prompts: Get inspired by diverse speaking topics and Part 2 prompts with vocabulary to hone your fluency and coherence in the speaking section.
Reading Passage Analysis: Discover techniques to efficiently analyse and comprehend complex reading passages, boosting your reading comprehension skills.
Writing Task Analysis: Understand the assessment criteria and structural elements for both IELTS Writing tasks (Task 1 and Task 2) to craft compelling responses.
Our mission is to support you on your IELTS journey and provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve your desired band score. Prepare with confidence and become an IELTS success story with our expert guidance. Happy learning!
Part 1: Introduction (4-5 minutes) General questions based around you.
Part 2: Cue Card (3-4 minutes) Speak for between 1-2 minutes on the given topic.
Part 3: Follow-up Questions (4-5 minutes) In depth questions related to the Part 2 topic.
Section 1: Short Texts (300-700 words) Eg. Advertisements, notices, or brochures.
Section 2: Scanning (700 words) Scan the text for specific information, keywords, or details.
Section 3: Skimming (700 words) Understand the main ideas, opinions, and attitudes expressed in the text.
Section 1: Conversation between two speakers (10 minutes)
Section 2: Monologue (10 minutes)
Section 3: Conversation between multiple speakers (10 minutes)
Section 4: Academic lecture or monologue (10 minutes)
IELTS success: Your Pathway to a World of Opportunities.